World-production of man-made fibres
In 2017, the world-production of man-made fibres was 71,6 million tons. The
production of cellulosic man-made fibres was 6,7 million tons, that of synthetic
man-made fibres 64,9 million tons.
World-production 2017
a. by general fibre types | |
|  | |
 |  | Cotton 24% |
 |  | Wool 1% |
 |  | Man-made fibres 75% |
| The overall situation of worldwide man-made fibre production did not
change: the dominance of countries in the other regions, in particular
in the Far East, is reflected by a 91% share in world-production.
The USA has a share of 4%,
Japan 1% and West Europe 4%. |
Total production: 71,600,000 t (Source: IVC, CIRFS) |
b. by types of man-made fibres | |
|  | |
 |  | Synthetic filament yarn and synthetic staple 90% |
 |  | Cellulosic filament yarn and cellulosic staple 10% |
| In West Europe, the man-made fibre production was about 2,86 million tons. |
Total production: 71,600,000 t (Source: IVC, CIRFS) |
Man-made fibres by regions
c. Man-made fibres by regions | |
|  | |
 |  | West Europe 4% |
 |  | USA 4% |
 |  | Japan 1% |
 |  | Other regions 91% |
| |
Total production: 71,600,000 t (Source: IVC, CIRFS) |
Man-made fibres in the Federal Republic of Germany
In 2017, man-made fibre production in Germany was 655,000 tons.
71% of these were synthetic man-made fibres. Among these synthetic man-made
fibres produced in the Federal Republic of Germany in the year 2017, polyester with its
share of 31% continues to be on first rank, followed by acrylic with 25% and polyamide with 10%.
The production of cellulosic man-made fibres was 191,000 tons, constituting 28% of
the total production of man-made fibres.
Compared to the previous year, the man-made fibre exports from the Federal Republic
of Germany was 593,600 tons. Of these, 68% were exported to West Europe,
3% to East Europe, 18% to Asia, 8% to North America and 3% to the other regions.
Man-made fibre imports was 588,700 tons in 2017. The largest share in man-
made fibre imports of 58% was synthetic staple, followed by synthetic filament yarn
with 30% and cellulosic man-made fibres with 12%.
Turnover and employees
In 2017, the turnover of the German man-made fibre-industry was 2 million euros.
The number of employees decreased as compared to the previous year and was 7,500.
Man-made fibre production of the Federal Republic of Germany 2013
| |
|  | |
 |  | Polyamide 11% |
 |  | Polyester 29% |
 |  | Acrylic 25% |
 |  | Other synthetic man-made fibres 4% |
 |  | Cellulosic man-made fibres 31% |
| |
Total production: 675,000,000 t (Source: IVC) |
Man-made fibre exports of the Federal Republic of Germany 2013
| |
|  | |
 |  | Other regions 5% |
 |  | Asia 17% |
 |  | North America 8% |
 |  | East Europe 3% |
 |  | (EU 53%) West Europe 67% |
| |
Total exports: 618,400,000 t (Source: Federal Statistical Office) |
Man-made fibre imports to the Federal Republic of Germany 2013
| |
|  | |
 |  | Synthetic Filament yarn 28% |
 |  | Synthetic Staple 59% |
 |  | Cellulosic man-made fibres 13% |
| |
Total imports: 568,400,000 t (Source: Federal Statistical Office) |