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Home - Worth knowing at man-made-fibres - Care Tips

Man-made fibres: Easier to care for, more economical and better quality retention.

Man-made fibres give dirt little chance.

When it comes to their care, one quickly learns to appreciate the further advantages in materials made wholly or in part from man-made fibres. The higher the proportion of these fibres, the greater the resistance products like carpets, curtains, table cloths, decorative textiles and garments have to soiling. This applies especially to fabrics made from synthetic man-made fibres, as for example, polyamide, acrylic or polyester, where soiling is not assimilated by the fibre, rather it clings to the surface, from where it can easily be removed.

Man-made fibres save time, effort and money.

Some important care factors apply to nearly all textiles partially or totally made of man-made fibres, in particular to apparel or home textiles. If, at the time of buying, one looks out for textiles that are wholly or in part manufactured from man-made fibres, then it will not be long before the advantages of so doing become clear.
Man-made fibres or blends with a high proportion of man-made fibres are not to be boiled. Most of the time they will be sparkling clean after the gentle wash cycle, thus saving time and energy.
Stains disappear often with a simple cold or hand wash.
Textiles containing man-made fibres or made 100% from them normally need reduced amounts of detergent, again saving money and sparing the environment.
Man-made fibres are quick-drying and often regain their shape without ironing.

You get more lasting pleasure from beautiful fabrics made from man-made fibres.

You do more than recoup your costs with them, as not only do they need less care, they are also as a rule extremely durable and retain their shape well, making frequent new purchases unnecessary. However it is also true of man-made fibres: the more you look after them properly, the longer your favourites will be with you.

The first command in proper care is to note what it says on the relevant care label.